By spending just 30 minutes a day connecting with nature you can achieve many things, including boosting your health and vitality.

In the garden you can grow food packed with nutrients, connect with nature and improve your emotional and physical well-being.

These are some of my favourite things to do…maybe create a list of your own and share with others !!

Here’s a few inspiring ideas to get you out into the garden and enjoy nature…

If you need some inspiration to find time for gardening, listen to my podcast episode here.

And join the Soil to Supper Facebook Club’ to ask questions, share what you grow and connect with other like-hearted gardeners.

Would you like to feel more confident with growing fresh food and your health?

Learn Online with me! Join our FREE courses, Savvy Gardener and Grow Health Courses HERE.

Enjoy !


© cath manuel 21 february 2014

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