by Cath Manuel | Nov 11, 2015 | Fresh Food Ideas, Therapeutic Gardening & Wellbeing
Enjoying fresh abundance from the garden! I love middle eastern foods and enjoy trying new ideas and simple dishes using fresh produce from the garden. One thing I love to make are Falafel which are a delicious lunchbox treat, especially served with a small tub of...
by Cath Manuel | Jun 9, 2015 | Fresh Food Ideas
This is one of the easiest, yet very versatile, muffin recipes I have. To make these tasty muffins I use a basic muffin mix and then add fresh, seasonal vegetables and herbs from the garden. The basic mix can be adapted to sweet or savoury, vegetarian option or some...
by Cath Manuel | Apr 8, 2015 | Fresh Food Ideas, Growing your Garden
With Winter heading upon us, now is a great time to sample a few winter warming soups using fresh crops from the garden. This recipe is my adaptation of the delicious Italian soup Zuppa di Farro or farro and bean soup. I usually make a double batch as it’s...
by Cath Manuel | Mar 26, 2015 | Fresh Food Ideas
This simple and tasty rice dish is a favourite with my boys! I usually make a large batch so we also enjoy it for lunch or dinner the next day. I posted the recipe a few years ago on the ‘Grub’s Up’ page, but thought it would be good to share it...
by Cath Manuel | Feb 23, 2015 | Fresh Food Ideas
This quick and easy recipe is delicious at any time of the day and perfect for lunch boxes. I love experimenting with fresh goodies harvested from the garden and then adding ingredients from the kitchen… This really is ‘Soil to Supper’ The base batter is a simple...
by Cath Manuel | Jan 13, 2014 | Fresh Food Ideas, Gardening
Apart from a passion for gardening I also have a great love for books…not just any books, it’s actually gardening books !! I’ve collected gardening books for many years and enjoy buying, borrowing and swapping any books I can find on gardens, nature...