Good planning gives you more confidence to get started, enjoy success in your garden and it also saves you time and money in the long run!

Let’s look at a few ways to plan your dream garden, or make plans to upgrade an existing garden to grow your own healthy food.

📝 Grab a notebook and let’s do this! 

Step 1. Decide the type of gardens you’d like to create and features to include in the space. Start with raised gardens for edible crops, garden beds for flowers and shrubs, pots and containers if the space is small, growing fresh herbs to enjoy each day, build a kitchen garden, plant an orchard, aim for self-sufficiency, permaculture, growing medicinal plants or space for relaxation or meditation. List your dreams or aims for the space. 

Step 2. Assess the areas for potential new gardens or existing gardens that need a makeover. In a notebook or on a blank page make a note of the areas that could be useful for new gardens and include your dream features from step 1. This is the start of your garden concept plan.

TIP - use an A3 page and make sketches and notes with a pencil to start your concept plan. ✍🏼

Step 3. All gardens/plants need sunshine, water, heathy soil and nutrients. Do the garden spaces receive enough sunlight and have access to water? Do you know the soil type and health of the soil? (this is super important to grow a thriving garden so read this article to Unearth the Dirt) Do some research and make notes on your plan. 

Step 4. List the foods and other plants you want to grow. Include your favourites and also food that you and your family want to eat but don’t buy at the shops, eg foods that are expensive or not available (Limes come to mind here for me!) Choose foods that suits you climate and annual crops for each season, eg cool and warm seasons. Here’s a list of foods I love to grow…read them here.

Other things that are helpful to consider when planning a garden include; knowing how much time you have available to spend in the garden (create gardens spaces that you have time to maintain during day-to-day life) and what plants you want to grow.

This is a small start to creating a plan for your garden spaces and you’ll have the confidence to head outside and get growing! ✅

For more ideas and the next steps have a listen to my podcast episode Planning Your Dream Garden HERE. I’ve included extra links in the episode notes for you to access.

If you’re looking for ideas for creating gardens in any location or setting, have a read of my article ‘Growing Food in any Homehere…

Are you new to gardening? 

You might find my Savvy Gardener Course helpful with learning all the gardening terminology, equipment to get started, how to become an organic gardener, plus more!

Register here for the Course -

You’ll find a range of self-paced courses, events and free information at Soil to Supper Learn Online 🌱

I look forward to seeing you there!

💚 Cath 

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